Muscle loss

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle cells shrink or degrade as a result of disuse, poor nutrition, age, or disease. This leads to reduced muscle strength, coordination, and mobility. Some key points about muscle loss include:
- Disuse - Not using your muscles enough leads them to waste away over time. This can happen with injuries, illnesses, or lack of physical activity.
- Aging - Most people lose some muscle as they get older, typically starting around age 30. This can lead to fatigue and mobility issues.
- Poor nutrition - Not getting enough protein or calories can cause your body to break down muscle for energy.

- Strength loss - Muscle loss means you literally lose the engines that power strength in your body. This makes daily tasks more challenging.
- Increased injury risk - Weak muscles are more prone to strains or falls. This slows recovery too.
- Mobility issues - With less muscle to support movement, people find it harder to get around and live actively.

Supporting Muscle Health

The team at Horizon Hormone Therapy provides customized care to help adults optimize strength, energy and mobility. Their integrative plans can include:

Reaching a healthy balance with these facets keeps muscles nourished and active. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your muscle health goals!


While some muscle loss is inevitable with aging, many lifestyle measures can slow the pace of decline:


If you already dealing with bothersome muscle loss, talk to your healthcare provider about these treatment options:

I hope this overview gives you a helpful introduction to muscle loss - what it is, why it matters, and how you can be proactive. Don't hesitate to reach out to the knowledgeable professionals at Horizon Hormone Therapy if you have any other questions! They are happy to help you on your healthy aging journey.

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